About me

Hello to anyone who happens to visit this about page. I'm Sean, I'm a father of 1, with 1 coming really really soon. My interests are programming, space, cooking, baking, nature, exploration, Kerbal Space Program, Zelda, starting companies, photography, hot cocoa, camping, hiking, kayaking, biking, rollerblading, ice skating, skiing, tennis, racquetball, basketball and making YouTube videos.
I love being a dad. I get to do all kinds of fun stuff that is normally reserved just for kids. I live through my child, and I try to participate as much as I possibly can.
This blog
The Dad Adventure is a place where I want to share the adventures, the imagination and the complexities that is being a dad. From waking up 10 times at night for extra cuddles, to building cardboard spaceships, life is full of stories - and I want a place to share them.
Feel free to comment and ask questions. Asking questions makes you a purple person, and the world needs more purple people.